Tuesday, April 7, 2015


full of windings and intricate turnings : tortuous
"Dr. X almost never left the boundaries of Old Shanghai, which was part of a separate district; more to the point, he stuck to a small but anfractuous subregion…." — Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age, 1995
"The anfractuous remainder of the plot is a booby trap for anyone trying to explain it." — James MacKillop, Syracuse (New York) New Times, November 9, 2011

Saturday, April 4, 2015


BOODLE Definitions for boodle the lot, pack, or crowd: Send the whole boodle back to the factory. a large quantity of something, especially money: He's worth a boodle. a bribe or other illicit payment, especially to or from a politician; graft.

Friday, April 3, 2015

The Passion of the Christ

Today is Good Friday. For those of us who celebrate the Passion of Jesus Christ, today is a day of prayer and penance. May we be truly repentant for tjis is and will always be the greatest expression of love shown to us. We thank you oh Lord for sending your son to die so that we may be forgiven.We thank you oh, Jesus for suffering and dying for us. No greater love has been show that that you laid down your life for us. Thank you deal Mary, Mother of God for accepting to be the mother of our Savious. Your suffering as a mother is like no other. We will forever be grateful for your kindness and love for us and for being a person of God from birth. Amen.